Irrevocable Trust Leader: Top 6 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

Top 6 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

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Irrevocable Trust Leader:
Top 6 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

Irrevocable Trust Experts: Top Reasons Ultra Trust® offers Superior peace-of-mind

Many attorneys offer what they believe to be the best in irrevocable trusts, but in reality, they only offer what they think they know. The team at Estate Street Partners, LLC has studied irrevocable trusts for decades from the point of view of lawyers, CPAs, MBAs, tax specialists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Here’s what we have learned:
  1. Trust Experience: Chances are great most lawyers won’t even know the relevant statutory basis or case law backing irrevocable trusts. It is typically these lawyers that have something negative to say about them. In business for over 30 years, we have bisected and dissected state and federal laws as well as the relevant cases. Our clients have used this expertise to be successful in every single instance to date – 99% of clients never even go to trial because creditors realize they will get no monetary benefit. See the most significant laws and cases supporting the Ultra Trust® here: Laws supporting the Ultra Trust®.
    Our experts actually teach other attorneys and CPAs about asset protection through an annual seminar in the Boston area. Estate Street Partners has designed asset protection trusts for countless clients and have seen many of them tested in court, earning us a lot of satisfied customers and an A+ BBB rating.
    Because the concept of the Ultra Trust® is the best in the industry, we are often asked by other attorney’s across the country to prepare the Ultra Trust® for their clients. The Ultra Trust® is sophisticated enough for clients with over $75 million, while simple and affordable enough for those with under $100,000. We customize your documents to your specific situation, and we are available to provide ongoing support for years subsequent to your set-up.
  2. We know and avoid the common pitfalls that could ruin your estate: The media is fraught with stories of lawyers drafting bad trusts and clients not receiving the information they need to validate a good trust. We help clients set up a trust that will work and avoid fraudulent conveyance – making sure that your assets get to whomever you want, without being pulled back into your estate by creditors.

    We provide you with guidance years after things are completed so that if something happens, your Ultra Trust® is as solid as the day we drafted it. We also encourage you to act now, before there is a problem such as a lawsuit and/or bankruptcy, but offer guidance even if you call us late. Unlike your local lawyer, we won’t tell you we can’t help you. That being said, we do not endorse or facilitate fraud or fraudulent conveyance of any kind.
  3. Trust Flexibility: Our Ultra Trust® is not a “fill-in-the-blank” computer-generated document. It is customized for each client and can contain whatever terms, conditions, and beneficiaries that are the best for you and your goals. You can also put any asset into the protection of a trust – now or 10 years from now; including cash, real estate, brokerage, S-Corps, LLCs, and C-Corps, in any state, from any type of liability. We could even name the family dog as a beneficiary in an Ultra Trust® if you so wished.
  4. Income Taxes: After putting your assets in the Ultra Trust® you won’t even notice the difference. In fact, we will work with your CPA to make sure that the Ultra Trust® has no negative affect on how much income tax you pay. In fact, we teach our clients how to optimize their income taxes to the fullest extent of the law through congressionally-approved and unrelated tax strategies that very few experts know about.
  5. Superior Privacy: The Ultra Trust® repositions assets from your personal ownership and from any public disclosure of your personal assets. It is a private agreement and it cannot be “discovered” through public records. Put simply, the assets are owned by the trust, so if someone looks you up to see what they can take (think; lawyer deciding whether to file a lawsuit against you) they aren’t going to uncover much. Nobody needs to know your financial situation, so we make it as difficult as possible for them in order to protect your privacy
  6. More On-Going Support and Less Hassle: The Ultra Trust® can be set up quickly and typically requires no appraisals, no gift taxes, no extra tax returns, and no ongoing maintenance fees. There are no recurring annual fees to us associated with the Ultra Trust® what-so-ever. Other trusts packages may appear to have a low price, but typically charge an ongoing fee for the life of the trust. We also provide you with a large bank of consultation hours built right into your planning so that if you need assistance, we are only a phone call away with our A+ BBB rated customer service.
If you would like to receive a detailed explanation and a diagram of the Ultra Trust®, please call us at (888) 938-5872 or email us:
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Notable Facts about our Ultra Trusts:

“Ultra Trust”® is a name that we made up to describe our strongest asset protection trust. No one else provides a trust with support as strong as this. //
Our Ultra Trusts® have been tested in lawsuits, bankruptcy, and IRS audits. None have EVER failed in civil case to protect the trust assets in 31 years, so far.

Category: Irrevocable Trust, UltraTrust

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