Advanced Estate Planning & Trust Planning Services

Capital Gains Taxes, Income Taxes, Estate Taxes, Probate, Protect Assets from Frivolous Lawsuits

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Protect your assets from lawsuits, divorce, Medicaid.
Estate Street Partners is a network of bonded and licensed hands-on, real world financial experts from the legal, accounting, and tax professions including an award-winning estate and trust planner. We collaborate across domestic and international boundaries with complete discretion, legal, and tax compliance of your transactions.

We create liquidity by exploring advanced solutions to your problem of wealth.
“Information” is NOT “knowledge.” Our operating strategy is to leverage our collective knowledge and resources providing you with competent multi-dimensional financial engineering strategies, designed to protect your assets from potential frivolous lawsuits, preserve your wealth by recapturing lost tax dollars, defer capital gains taxes, reduce taxes on your income streams, eliminate probate and estate taxes. Finally, we provide tax efficient wealth transfer to your next generation.
“Knowledge” is our most important “Product”
We use good planning, not secrecy.
We rely on law, not secrecy.

Uncompromising, Alternative & Exceptional Multi-dimensional Estate & Trust Financial Planning Services

We provide the following services for a pre-determined fee, tailored to your specific financial goal(s):
  • Limited Liability CompanyDomestic LLC or Foreign LLC
  • Family Limited Partnership
  • Family Limited Liability Company
  • International Business Company (IBC)
  • International Insurance Company
  • International Asset Protection Trust
  • International Bank Account
  • Captive Insurance Company wrapped around hedge-fund
  • §157;501(c)(15) UNADVERTISED special Tax-Exemptions for small and closely held profitable businesses
  • §501(c)(9) U.S. Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (VEBAs) – U.S. Congress Legislated Tax-Reduction Loophole for any profitable small or closely held business
  • IRA and Pension “TAX-TRAP” required distribution – TWO Simple but COMPELLING financial solutions to drastically reduce taxes on your qualified pension or IRA rollovers of $500,000 or more
  • Innovative Engineering to Taxable Stock Options, income streams, or other spectacular “once-in-a-lifetime” financial gains
  • Limited Partnership (Domestic or Foreign)
  • Class “A” Foreign Bank within 8 weeks of approval
Call me at (508)429-0011 if you have a complex financial goal. One size does not fit all.
Advanced solutions you probably currently do not have:
Putting the tax man on HOLD
  • Deferred Capital Gains Taxes on any highly appreciated asset(s). Minimum gain required: US$500,000 short term; $1 million long term. Qualifying assets: Sale of your highly appreciated stocks, bonds, real estate, your business, notes receivables at least 2 years old or any highly appreciated asset(s).
  • Deferred Income Taxes for highly compensated planning on your salary or any 1099 compensation. Minimum excess cash required US$150,000. We can possibly re-engineer your “income stream” to fit this mold: salaries, commissions, bonus, consulting fees, finders fees, patents, royalties, rental income, business income, day trading.
  • Elimination of “strictly voluntary” probate and estate taxes
Don’t blame your accountant. We specialize in tax-deferred, wealth preservation strategies. Financial engineering, with a twist. How many attorneys and accountants could expound on such divergent concepts as: VEBAs, ESOPs, closely-held or self-employed employee leasing, transfer pricing regulations, CFC regulations, Foreign Sales Corporations (FSCs), offshore asset protection, small insurance companies, shared appreciation, equity stripping, charitable support organizations, private foundations, Section 1031 transfers, Section 1035 transfers, offshore foundations, private annuities, etc.
Tax Traps: An incompetent advisor will cost you more than just money. Make certain that the person you hire is competent and familiar with such matters.
Client profiles: Successful high net worth entrepreneurs, investors, entertainers, senior executives, key employees, industrialists, physicians, inherited wealth, highly compensated individuals, and others with commercial rights to income streams seeking to protect their wealth, eliminate frivolous lawsuits from predators and their contingent-fee lawyers. We can reduce your tax liabilities by using good legitimate, logical, and suitable methods of tax-deferral, relying on law and not secrecy and by planning and thinking ahead (out of the box).
“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward.” — John Maynard Keynes
“It’s fiercely competitive out there. In order for you to survive, you must be flexible, learn to restructure, outsource, downsize, subcontract, become lean, agile, quick, and form new alliances.” — Rocco Beatrice, CPA, MST, MBA
® Registered Trademark, Estate Street Partners, LLC.

Category: Asset Protection, Estate Planning

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