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Ultra Trust® Asset Protection Plan. Trustee is Independent

Posted on: October 21, 2021 at 2:09 am, in

Why the Ultra Trust® is one of the best asset protection plans? The trustee must be independent

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What makes the Ultra Trust® such a powerful device as an asset protection plan is the independence of the trustee. The trustee must be independent; he cannot be related to you by blood or marriage. If you have trouble delineating yourself from your assets, you have to have the asset in your name, then the Ultra Trust® (the irrevocable trust) is not for you because you legally have to separate your assets from yourself to the trust.
The Ultra Trust® is like leasing a car. You don’t own the car, but you get to use the car. You get to pay all the expenses for the car. If it’s a business car, you get to tax deduct all the expenses related to the rental of that car. You get to use the car. The Ultra Trust® is essentially that. You reposition your assets from yourself to the trust. You no longer own the asset. If you no longer own the asset, no lawyer is going to take a contingency fee case where he’s going to collect 1/3 of nothing. The marketing people are not going to track to see how much money you have so that at dinner time you’re going to get a call from the kitchen guy, the window guy, the insurance guy and so forth to interrupt your dinner. You don’t own any assets with the Ultra Trust® so all your assets are protected; marketing people won’t get any information about you and your wealth.
If you don’t own any assets, then you don’t have to go to probate because probate is about people that own property, whether you have a will or not. And the Estate taxes which is taxation on what you own (i.e. estate property and other assets) on the date of your death is avoided because you don’t own anything. Therefore, you avoid all these headaches. And if you don’t have any assets, you also qualify for government services such as Medicaid and you can avoid the Medicaid spend down process when you enter a nursing home.
Continue to read part 5 of 11 on the Ultra Trust® benefits as one of the best irrevocable trust plans for asset protection here: Ultra Trust&reg Asset Protection Eligible Assets
Rocco Beatrice, CPA, MST, MBA, Managing Director, Estate Street Partners, LLC.
Mr. Beatrice is an asset protection award winning trust and estate planning expert.
To learn more about irrevocable trusts and senior elder care visit:

Ultra Trust® Irrevocable Trust Asset Protection– Eligible Assets

Posted on: August 21, 2021 at 2:12 am, in

Why the Ultra Trust® is one of the best asset protection plans? The trustee must be independent

Protect your assets from lawsuits, divorce, Medicaid.
I want to talk to you about what kinds of assets can be repositioned from you, to the irrevocable trust. Your personal residence, your vacation spot, your life insurance policy, and by the way, your insurance policy, if there is any incident of ownership in your name, then it’s taxable. The Ultra Trust® will own all your assets including the insurance policy, your automobile, your residence and anything else you own of value. If you have children under the age of 18 you may run the risk of a lawsuit if your children get into an accident. You may have read about children crashing their parents’ car due to drinking. If your children crash your accident whether is was caused by drinking or not since all your children have to be is liable for the accident then you, the parent, will have to step up to the plate. You, the parent, can be liable for third-party lawsuits and all your assets are not protected and you can lose everything you’ve worked your entire life for. I’ve been there where I had to bail out for my children’s faults. I’ve walked around with an open checkbook. If the Ultra Trust® owns the motor vehicle, you can reduce the premium and possibly you will not have to buy a huge liability insurance. It’s an effective device.
The Ultra Trust® can own stocks, bonds, collectibles, art, antiques, boats, planes, anything that is valuable. The Ultra Trust® can own investments. The Ultra Trust® is the only vehicle that can own Subchapter S stock. There is no other vehicle to own Sub S stock, and for major asset protection, if your Ultra Trust® owns limited liability shares, or is a partner of a partnership or family partnership, this is major asset protection. It is the Rolls Royce of asset protection. You have to go outside of the United States to get better asset protection. But, in the United States, the Ultra Trust®, if it owns a limited liability company, it is a fortress. It is about the best that you can do in the United States for asset protection.
Continue to read part 6 of 11 on the Ultra Trust® benefits as one of the best irrevocable trust plans for asset protection here: Ultra Trust® Irrevocable Trust Tax Benefits
Rocco Beatrice, CPA, MST, MBA, Managing Director, Estate Street Partners, LLC.
Mr. Beatrice is an asset protection award winning trust and estate planning expert.
To learn more about irrevocable trusts and senior elder care visit:

UltraTrust Irrevocable Trust: Estate Tax, Medicaid Planning, 5 Year Look-Back Provision

Posted on: July 21, 2021 at 1:52 am, in

What is an Estate, How Irrevocable Trusts Affects Elder Care, and Comparisons of Different Asset Protection Tools

What’s an Estate?

Protect your assets from lawsuits, divorce, Medicaid.
Now I would like to talk to you about what is an estate. An estate is everything that you own on the date of your death. The fair market value of that asset, your stocks, whatever it is worth on the date of your death, or 6 months after, there are some very specific rules that are a little bit complicated, but basically, it is to determine the value, the fair market value, of all of your assets so they become taxable. And the IRS, your lawyers, your accountant, your appraiser, are all haggling with each other about how much everything is worth, so that the government gets a bigger chunk. They’ll say your estate is huge, and you’ll argue that it’s not that much.
The estate tax is a very major item. It’s the only voluntary tax within the IRS code. Without proper estate planning, the tax forces sales at the most inopportune time. You have heard horror stories where people have had to sell their farms in order to pay the IRS their dues. All of this can be avoided with an Ultra Trust. You have no assets on the date of your death; you have repositioned your assets from yourself, in your name, to the Ultra Trust. Again, if you have trouble with ownership, you have ownership issues, you must own things, you must own the land, you must own the building, you must own the car. If you have these kinds of issues and can’t separate yourself from the asset, then the trust is not for you. And somebody has to pay the taxes; somebody has to support all these lawyers, accountants, appraisers and so forth, within the legal system. And again, if you have more assets is different state, each state has the whole process. Estate planning with the Ultra Trust, you can avoid all of these complications.

Elder Care Nursing Home & Medicaid Planning

And now I would like to talk to you about elder care. On June 30 of this year, the government has mandated rules and regulations on restricting the transfer of assets of the elderly. There is now a five year look-back provision if you apply to qualify for the nursing home, the Medicaid nursing home. These restrictive laws are intended to impoverish the healthy spouse. Before you can qualify to receive, or to enter a nursing home, you must spend down your assets. Which means that, if you are of the age where the nursing home may become an issue, in order to protect your wife, or the healthy spouse, you or your wife, whoever is not sick, you must do Medicaid planning 5 years earlier than the date that you went in to the nursing home. If you are the son or daughter of elderly parents, you should become fully aware of these very restrictive rules. Where the government is going to ask you to spend down all of your assets before you can become qualified. So if all of the assets are spent on the sick spouse, the healthy spouse has no place to go, so you, the son and daughter, will have to step in and support your mom or your dad. You can avoid all this with proper estate planning. You can avoid the spend down of the nursing home.

Compare Different Asset Protection Plans

We have provided links to additional information including comparisons between the Ultra Trust™, irrevocable trusts, revocable trusts, the Living Trust, the limited liability company, the family partnership, the corporation and other financial devices, legal devices. A trust is nothing more than a legal device under the law. The law creates the trust. The IRS recognizes all types of trusts; the Ultra Trust™ is one of them. We have designed, specifically, the Ultra Trust. It meets with IRS regulations and is completely tax neutral.
Read more:

Irrevocable Trust leader:Top 10 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

Posted on: June 21, 2021 at 4:04 am, in

Irrevocable Trust Leader: Top 10 Reasons Ultra Trust® offers Superior peace-of-mind

The top ten reasons why we offer Superior:
  1. Statutory Basis. The Ultra Trust® irrevocable trust is supported by state and federal statutes all across the U.S. Laws supporting the Ultra Trust®.
  2. Trust Flexibility. The terms, conditions, and beneficiaries of the Ultra Trust® can be changed, and the assets can be returned to you without any cost or tax effect, at any time.
  3. Asset-Type Flexibility. When executed correctly, the Ultra Trust® can protect any asset type including real estate, investments, S-Corp, LLC, and C-Corp’s, in any state, from any type of liability
  4. Supporting Case Law. The Ultra Trust® is proven by a number of court cases across the U.S. at the State, Federal, and Bankruptcy court level. Laws supporting the Ultra Trust®.
  5. Privacy. The Ultra Trust® repositions assets from your personal ownership and from any disclosure of your personal assets. It is a private agreement and it cannot be “discovered” through any public record.
  6. Set-up Timeline. The Ultra Trust® can be set up quickly and requires no appraisals, no gift taxes, no extra tax returns, and no ongoing maintenance.
  7. Tax Affect. You can reposition any asset into the Ultra Trust® without any tax consequences. The Ultra Trust® will have no affect on your income taxes, but will eliminate estate tax. We can coordinate with your CPA to be sure they agree with the tax treatment.
  8. Ethical Foundation. The Ultra Trust® should be done in advance of a problem for the purpose of providing security for your family in the event of currently unforeseen liabilities. We do not endorse or facilitate fraud or fraudulent conveyance of any kind.
  9. Price. The Ultra Trust® comes at a better price and with lower ongoing fees than similar plans. With the Ultra Trust® there are no recurring annual fees to Estate Street Partners associated with the Ultra Trust® what-so-ever.
  10. Design and Support. Rocco teaches attorneys and CPA about asset protection though an annual seminar in the Boston area. We have designed asset protection trusts for countless clients and have seen many of them tested in court. Because the concept of the Ultra Trust® is the best in the industry, we are often asked by other attorney’s across the country to prepare the Ultra Trust® for their clients. The Ultra Trust® is sophisticated enough for clients with over $75 million, while simple and affordable enough for those with under $100,000. We customize your documents to your specific situation, and we are available to provide ongoing support for years subsequent to your set-up.
If you would like to receive a detailed explanation and a diagram of the Ultra Trust®, please call us at (888) 938-5872 or email us:
[email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”Email Rocco Beatrice” class=”email_obfuscate_class” tag_title=”Question from”]

Notable Facts about our Ultra Trusts:

“Ultra Trust”® is a name that we made up to describe our strongest asset protection trust. No one else provides a trust with support as strong as this. //
Our Ultra Trust® have been tested in lawsuits, bankruptcy, and IRS audits. None have EVER failed to protect the trust assets so far in 31 years.

Limited Liability Company LLC-What is it?

Posted on: August 28, 2018 at 2:51 am, in

How the Limited Liability Company (LLC) avoids double taxation, provides asset protection and financial and tax benefits. Creditors and contingent-fee lawyers, when structured correctly, are deterred to launch frivolous lawsuits.

Watch the video on 'Limited Liability Company LLC-What is it?'
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The limited liability company (LLC) is the strongest asset protection devise for your business replacing the sub chapter “S” corporation. The LLC offers limited liability to the owners of a business and, additionally, the limited liability company is approved in all 50 states.
The LLC is similar to a corporation and sometimes has been mistakenly referred as the limited liability corporation. In the LLC, the individuals are called members and the LLC is most advantageous to smaller companies with a smaller number of members. In cases where the LLC has only one member the LLC may be regarded as a disregarded entity whereby the sole member is viewed as the entity performing the operations of the LLC. This contrasts a corporation owned by a single individual whereby the corporation is viewed as the entity performing the operations.
The limited liability company with multiple members avoids double taxation because the members are partners for taxation purposes. The IRS Form 1065 and Schedule SE (i.e. Self-Employment Tax) are used with the LLC entity. For tax purposes, the LLC in a partnership formation reports its income and deductions via each members’ income tax return.

Limited Liability Company benefits you into retirement with asset protection


Why Choose the LLC for Asset Protection?

Courts and clever predators with their contingent-fee lawyers have significantly eroded the benefits and protection of corporate entities, allowing for little or no asset protection against employees, shareholders, officers, or directors. The limited liability company has become the “entity of choice” for all new business structures. The sub chapter “S” corporation has now become the white elephant.
QPRT as Asset Protection   Learn how business owners protect assets  with a 99.9% success rate.

Limited Liability Company’s Financial Benefit

There is a significant financial benefit to establishing a limited liability company for your business. Your predatory creditor’s sole remedy is the “charging order.” Similar to partnerships, the charging order can only be against LLC member(s) and not the LLC. The charging order is obtained subsequent to your creditor obtaining a judgment against you for monetary damages and other frivolous charges. Your creditor cannot, and is precluded by law, to step into your shoes as an LLC member and take over the financial affairs of your LLC. This is, in and by itself, the limited liability company’s most significant financial benefit.
In all cases, after you plead with your creditor, “Please, please, please, do NOT place a charging order against me because it’ll have the most detrimental affect on how I deal with my existing clients, banks and other businesses,” your creditor will turn around and slap you with a charging order. What you creditor does not realize is that he just gave you a major gift. Thanks in largely due to the drafters of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act.
The charging order means that your creditor has a right to “all your capital distributions.” So when will you have a capital distribution to pay your creditor? The answer is never. You are allowed to take a salary, to joint venture, to borrow money from the limited liability company but you will never take a capital distribution wherein you will pay your creditor. You have just become your creditor’s and their contingent-fee, gold-digging lawyer’s worst nightmare.

Limited Liability Company Tax Advantage

The LLC has a significant tax advantage. Someone must pay the taxes so the IRS declares. According to the IRS, in revenue ruling (77-137) it states that someone must pay the taxes. Since the person holding the charging order will receive the “K-1”, he must pay the taxes on the income generated by the LLC even though your creditor never receives any actual cash from the business.
The creditor saddled by the charging order is treated as a substituted limited partner for tax purposes, thanks to the IRS, and will suffer the tax consequences without capacity to force payment, dissolution or distribution. Do you think that your creditor will want to settle? Please note the “K-1” is the yearly income tax statement to be included in recipient’s taxable income for the year similar to your mutual fund’s form 1099.
The shocking news is that your creditor will be obligated to pay the taxes for you. Every 6 months, send your creditor a letter on how well your business is doing and that you want to make sure that he prepares himself to pay the taxes. At the end of the taxable year, you send your creditor a copy of an additional letter along with the K-1, addressed to the IRS, requesting an audit of your creditor because you want to be tax compliant and that you want to make sure that all taxes have been timely paid and are up-to-date. Do you still have doubts that your creditor will want to settle?

Is the LLC for you?

When you combine the limited liability company’s tax benefit and the protection of the charging order with a surefire asset protection system of an irrevocable trust such as the Ultra Trust® you will receive a financial asset protection fortress against your creditors and other contingent-fee based lawyers. So the next time there are any pending frivolous lawsuits you can relax and sleep soundly at night knowing your business assets are well protected.
Read these dangers and disadvantages of the more traditional limited partnerships:
Become judgment proof, preserve your wealth by calling Estate Street Partners toll-free at 508-429-0011 for an Absolutely Free Consultation with No Strings Attached, No Obligation and No Sales Pressure. Pick up the phone and call us Now!

Irrevocable Trust Leader: Top 6 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

Posted on: February 21, 2017 at 4:12 am, in

Irrevocable Trust Leader:
Top 6 Reasons Why Ultra Trust®

Irrevocable Trust Experts: Top Reasons Ultra Trust® offers Superior peace-of-mind

Many attorneys offer what they believe to be the best in irrevocable trusts, but in reality, they only offer what they think they know. The team at Estate Street Partners, LLC has studied irrevocable trusts for decades from the point of view of lawyers, CPAs, MBAs, tax specialists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Here’s what we have learned:
  1. Trust Experience: Chances are great most lawyers won’t even know the relevant statutory basis or case law backing irrevocable trusts. It is typically these lawyers that have something negative to say about them. In business for over 30 years, we have bisected and dissected state and federal laws as well as the relevant cases. Our clients have used this expertise to be successful in every single instance to date – 99% of clients never even go to trial because creditors realize they will get no monetary benefit. See the most significant laws and cases supporting the Ultra Trust® here: Laws supporting the Ultra Trust®.
    Our experts actually teach other attorneys and CPAs about asset protection through an annual seminar in the Boston area. Estate Street Partners has designed asset protection trusts for countless clients and have seen many of them tested in court, earning us a lot of satisfied customers and an A+ BBB rating.
    Because the concept of the Ultra Trust® is the best in the industry, we are often asked by other attorney’s across the country to prepare the Ultra Trust® for their clients. The Ultra Trust® is sophisticated enough for clients with over $75 million, while simple and affordable enough for those with under $100,000. We customize your documents to your specific situation, and we are available to provide ongoing support for years subsequent to your set-up.
  2. We know and avoid the common pitfalls that could ruin your estate: The media is fraught with stories of lawyers drafting bad trusts and clients not receiving the information they need to validate a good trust. We help clients set up a trust that will work and avoid fraudulent conveyance – making sure that your assets get to whomever you want, without being pulled back into your estate by creditors.

    We provide you with guidance years after things are completed so that if something happens, your Ultra Trust® is as solid as the day we drafted it. We also encourage you to act now, before there is a problem such as a lawsuit and/or bankruptcy, but offer guidance even if you call us late. Unlike your local lawyer, we won’t tell you we can’t help you. That being said, we do not endorse or facilitate fraud or fraudulent conveyance of any kind.
  3. Trust Flexibility: Our Ultra Trust® is not a “fill-in-the-blank” computer-generated document. It is customized for each client and can contain whatever terms, conditions, and beneficiaries that are the best for you and your goals. You can also put any asset into the protection of a trust – now or 10 years from now; including cash, real estate, brokerage, S-Corps, LLCs, and C-Corps, in any state, from any type of liability. We could even name the family dog as a beneficiary in an Ultra Trust® if you so wished.
  4. Income Taxes: After putting your assets in the Ultra Trust® you won’t even notice the difference. In fact, we will work with your CPA to make sure that the Ultra Trust® has no negative affect on how much income tax you pay. In fact, we teach our clients how to optimize their income taxes to the fullest extent of the law through congressionally-approved and unrelated tax strategies that very few experts know about.
  5. Superior Privacy: The Ultra Trust® repositions assets from your personal ownership and from any public disclosure of your personal assets. It is a private agreement and it cannot be “discovered” through public records. Put simply, the assets are owned by the trust, so if someone looks you up to see what they can take (think; lawyer deciding whether to file a lawsuit against you) they aren’t going to uncover much. Nobody needs to know your financial situation, so we make it as difficult as possible for them in order to protect your privacy
  6. More On-Going Support and Less Hassle: The Ultra Trust® can be set up quickly and typically requires no appraisals, no gift taxes, no extra tax returns, and no ongoing maintenance fees. There are no recurring annual fees to us associated with the Ultra Trust® what-so-ever. Other trusts packages may appear to have a low price, but typically charge an ongoing fee for the life of the trust. We also provide you with a large bank of consultation hours built right into your planning so that if you need assistance, we are only a phone call away with our A+ BBB rated customer service.
If you would like to receive a detailed explanation and a diagram of the Ultra Trust®, please call us at (888) 938-5872 or email us:
[email-obfuscate email=”” link_title=”Email Rocco Beatrice” class=”email_obfuscate_class” tag_title=”Question from”]

Notable Facts about our Ultra Trusts:

“Ultra Trust”® is a name that we made up to describe our strongest asset protection trust. No one else provides a trust with support as strong as this. //
Our Ultra Trusts® have been tested in lawsuits, bankruptcy, and IRS audits. None have EVER failed in civil case to protect the trust assets in 31 years, so far.

Consultation Request Successfully Submitted: Thank You for contacting us.

Posted on: February 21, 2017 at 4:08 am, in

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Thank you for your question. An Expert will be back with you shortly.

Estate Street Partners

Reviews on the ‘Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®’ eBook

Posted on: February 21, 2017 at 3:51 am, in

Payment made via Paypal for the eBook: “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®

5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Treasure Trove of Learning, September 14, 2010

Scott N.

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
This book offers some wonderful insight and education – not just about protection strategies, but about what motivates those who sue, how the legal process works, and how lawyers think. Anyone with assets should learn this material and read this book. The strategies outlined are intuitive and logical once you understand the premise that we’re all very exposed. My lawyer should be reading Mr. Beatrice’s book!

Buy the Asset Protection eBook by Ultra Trust, the irrevocable trust plan.
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection straight forward, in my opinion, September 13, 2010

Review (testimony) by C. H. Fisher “fluke skywrecker”

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
I had no idea what a trust is, a little idea of what an LLC is, nothing about asset protection. All I knew was that the rich smart guys can get away with so much while us peons have so little. I knew I needed help. I ‘read’ the diagrams and was profitted greatly since I am mostly a visual learner. I also enjoyed Rocco’s straight talk, and his phone calls always made sense. IMHO, not much beating around the bush. I appreciate straight talk. That’s what works for me. I don’t like those authors who bury their gems of knowledge in pounds of English filler.
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Excellent Asset Protection Book!, September 10, 2010
This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
Mr. Beatrice and his team’s expertise in the field of irrevocable trust asset protection proved invaluable to me in setting up a trust for my upcoming problems. The book provided a great example of how asset protection works (including some methods that don’t work) providing examples throughout, as well as why one needs to do things in a certain way to avoid fraudulent conveyance. He goes on to explain how and why the Ultra Trust offers the ultimate in protection and safety for your major assets against lawsuits (of any kind), as well as elimination of probate and estate taxes in the US. The book takes up the popular types of asset protection methodologies being marketed here in the US (including the offshore assets protection trusts and LLC’S), explains each with an expert’s touch,but in easy to understand language for a layman, and compares them with the Ultra Trust. Setting up a trust, particularly one such as the ‘Ultra Trust’, is a serious business, fraught with traps for creditors when established correctly, and ought to be done with professional help each step of the way-one of which not done correctly, could completely undo the purpose of the asset protection planning. Mr. Beatrice expertise in this field proved invaluable to me in setting up a trust for my needs, and I’m a lot happier now, knowing my assets are so well protected. I’d recommend reading the book first for anyone contemplating an irrevocable trust for asset protection, and I thank him countlessly for his patient guidance assisting me with my problem that cound have bankrupted me. William B. (Townsend. GA, USA)
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Intense Topic – easy to read, September 8, 2010
This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
Pretty simple, I wouldn’t want to be sued knowing that there are options like the UltraTrust out there.
I usually have a lot of trouble following very technical books but in this case, the topics are nicely explained and you always feel like you can email or call the author directly if you wanted additional clarification.
I am early on in my career so knowing these trusts exist will help me hopefully structure things correctly so my family can benefit long term.
I would recommend reading this, talking to a few lawyers and bankers and then making an educated decision about which direction you want to go. It can never hurt to spend a few extra bucks to future proof your estate.
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection A must have for your home and office, August 30, 2010

Review (testimony) by dannie11

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
This book did an outstanding job of delivering information to me that I could comprehend and understand with ease.
Being a financial planner, I read this book so I could be more knowledgeable and make more confident decisions to protect myself, my clients, and my family. I now have a more thorough understanding about asset protection and I will be keeping this book in close reach for me to refer back to!
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection More Than You Expect!, August 12, 2010

Review (testimony) by StawCran23

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
I know quite a bit about business entities since I own a business, but I was concerned that this book could be a bit over my head, or too basic. I found that it did a fantastic job of covering the basics without being condescending and even addressed some much more complicated strategies at a level I understood as well. I also got some great ideas and strategies to really increase my protection and dramatically cut my taxes. Rocco Beatrice manages to make complex strategies digestible for those not versed in legal jargon, yet doesn’t talk down to the reader with familiarity in the areas he covers. Since studying the strategies within the book, I find I can understand and speak with my CPA and attorney with more confidence and comprehension. I have also found that I can make better tax and legal decisions with my new knowledge and my tax and legal advisors were impressed with my understanding of the topics of asset protection, estate planning and tax reduction. Thanks, Mr. Beatrice!
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Excellent practical Guide for Asset protection!!!, August 11, 2010

Review (testimony) by jingw954

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
This book is absolutely a very Practical Guide that you can apply immediately to your issues and REALLY helps you out! The author clarifies the solutions for asset protection issues in a clear and very easy-to-follow way. There are also very useful summaries for the key points and useful forms to help you finding out the answer in a most straight-forward way (like the form that helps you to evaluate your financial risk and determine your need for asset protection).
The second-half of this book is mainly about “Questions and Answers”; it answers the most commonly encountered problems in this kind of issues. Just feel like consulting face-to-face with the expert, this section displays the solutions with precision and clarity which makes this book to be the handiest guidebook! Highly recommended for anyone who is willing to protect your personal or business wealth, Excellent Work!
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Mine or Theirs, August 3, 2010

Review (testimony) by Regis Sauger

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
I am also an author and speaker. I have over 48,000 readers of my articles. I am also a licensed mortgage broker in Florida and talk to many folks with financial issues.
Un-fortunately in today’s litigious mindset, we all have the fear of Attorneys, Judges, Court Rooms and law-suits. It seems you cannot “sneeze” without someone wanting to sue. As you go through life and accumulate assets, the predominant fear is losing those assets and sometimes for actions that you were not responsible for. A wayward off-spring caught up in the “jungle” of society can come back to haunt the parents.
If, you read this book a couple of times over and contact the author you will be in awe of the knowledge and expertise that Rocco Beatrice presents that can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
My step-son is an attorney. He is a very competent attorney. But, just like the medical profession, he doesn’t know everything. He only knows what he chooses to practice. In dealing with financial sharks and lawsuits it behooves one to have enough knowledge of how to retain that which is yours rather than lose it to some blood-thirsty creditor or attorney.
5-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection Helpful solutions. Great insight. A++, July 31, 2010

Review (testimony) by genius527

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
This book helped me so much. I was sued by an out-of-state entity in their state and I survived with barely a few scratches. After reading this book I had the authors make a trust for me that protected me and my assets. The case was settled in a small amount of time once the plaintiff learned that I was well protected and judgment proof. I am thankful to the authors for their expertise and guidance. Had it not been for the easy to understand solutions, tips and strategies outlined in this book I would have likely had to deal with more legal headaches. This is a must read for anyone in a situation even remotely similar to mine.
4-star rating on the book by Ultra Trust®, the irrevocable trust asset protection A Must Read if you have a problem on the horizon, July 2, 2010

Review (testimony) by Kristin1118

This review is from: Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST® (Paperback)
This book runs through many of the strategies most lawyers advocate and the pros and cons of each. It also goes through the different ways to hold assets and the best way to hold assets to protect yourself. Most importantly, it shows you how to get the assets into the Trust even if you are about to be sued, like in my case. Most lawyers told me I could not do anything because my upcoming lawsuit would restrict my ability to move my house and assets, but I found out that it is possible.
While this is a great book because it outlines the key strategies, like most legal books, it is not a do-it-yourself book for novices like me, but your attorney can implement the ideas outlined. I was shocked that the lawyers I spoke with did not know most of this stuff in the book.

Buy the ‘Being Sued?’ Ultra Trust® eBook

Posted on: February 21, 2017 at 3:50 am, in

Buy the eBook: “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®

Testimonials on the book “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®

Even if you have already spoken to an asset protection attorney, you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you did not have at least one conversation with Rocco. He is THAT good.
– Tony A. Esq., Los Angeles, CA
“Estate Street Partners is my go-to consultant when I have a client with the most complex asset protection predicaments. The things they have achieved are incredible.”
– John L. Esq., Boston, MA
Just weeks before an oncoming lawsuit, I learned how to fortify my major assets and avoid fraudulent conveyance of them thanks to Estate Street Partners and the information in this book.
– Damien R., Miami, FL
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Front cover content of “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®”

The Best Domestic Asset Protection Without the Risks and Costs of Going Offshore

Learn from an Asset Protection Expert from the School of Hard Knocks:
  • Has Your Lawyer Told You that It’s Too Late to Do Anything?
  • Are You Thinking about How to “Hide” Your Assets But Do it Legally?
  • Learn the Truth About Fraudulent Conveyance
  • What Are the Risks of Going Offshore and Why Domestic Asset Protection is Superior for Real Estate
  • Learn Why Your Lawyer Does Not Know This Vital Information And What He Does Not Want You to Know
  • How I Learned These Secrets And Why I Am Sharing Them With You
Are You Worried About Getting Sued? Has Your Lawyer Told You That You Cannot Do Anything Now Because of Fraudulent Conveyance?
Rocco Beatrice, CPA, MBA, MST, CWPP, CAPP, MMB
Founder of Estate Street Partners, LLC
Co-Author: Rocco V. Beatrice, MBA

Back cover content of “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®”

For high net worth individuals, leaving assets vulnerable to the whims of today’s court system and predatory contingent-fee attorneys looking to see what they can extort from you is more dangerous now than ever before in the United States. More than 80,000 lawsuits are filed daily – 30 Million per year. With 300M people, this is one lawsuit for every ten people. With the top 2% owning 50% of all assets, if you are worth $1 Million, your chances of getting sued just increased by more than 20 times! They want your money – especially if you have more than they do. Who is really going to sue if you have nothing?
There are plenty of asset protection books that cover ideas that can work in calm times, years in advance, however, few address the biggest problem: what do you do when you have not done the planning you should have done and now you are looking down the barrel of a contingent-attorney lawsuit? Few events can trigger the emotion of distrust and animosity of the system designed to be fair and just.
Learn from an Asset Protection Expert from the School of Hard Knocks:
  1. Has Your Lawyer Told You that It Is Too Late to Do Anything?
  2. Learn the Truth About Fraudulent Conveyance
  3. Learn the Lawyer’s Mindset in Deciding Whether or Not to Take a Case on Contingency And How to Get Them to Move Onto Someone Else!
  4. Learn the Lawyer’s Mindset in Deciding Whether or Not to Take a Case on Contingency And How to Get Them to Move Onto Someone Else!
  5. The Dangers of Hiding Your Assets Illegally and How to Keep Your Assets Safe and Secure in the Midst of the Lawsuit
  6. Learn Why Your Lawyer Does Not Know This Key & Vital Information
Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: THE ULTRA TRUST® details today’s most legitimate, court-proven strategies for protecting ones wealth even if you did not have time to do the proper planning when you should have.
If you are currently being sued, or are about to be sued and you are worried that your assets, real estate, or investments are at risk of being lost, then you need to read this book. It is not too late! Your lawyer’s advice may be wrong or he just may not have a deep expertise in asset protection. Better to act sooner rather than later. Get this book and educate yourself now!

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Posted on: February 21, 2017 at 3:49 am, in

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In order to file a contest, you must have “standing” to make an objection. This means you cannot file a Contest if your best friend dies and you do not agree with how their children will spend the inheritance. You can file a Will Contest if, for example, you have been left out of the Will by an angry parent, if your sibling received a higher percentage of the inheritance, or if your parent left all their inheritance to charity because they felt the money would be better spent. These examples can also pertain to a Will belonging to any of your relative’s of which you feel entitled to receive a portion of the estate. Once it is determined you have “standing”, you must also have a valid objection to the Will. Simply being unhappy about the outcome is not sufficient to warrant a Will Contest.
Thank you for purchasing our eBook: “Being Sued? The Insider Secrets of Asset Protection: The ULTRA TRUST®. Since this is an electronic book in PDF format please note that we will be sending you the eBook via email at the email you gave that is associated with your Paypal account OR the email that you provided to us over the phone. Please be patient as it will be sent as soon as we are able. If it does not arrive by the next business day at the latest then please contact us at 1(888)93-ULTRA or 1(888)938-5872 or if you are calling in the Boston, MA area then you may call 1(508)429-0011.
What is a PDF document? PDF stands for portable document format which is the format of the electronic book. You will need a PDF reader which is free at Download Adobe Reader. The PDF reader is available for Apple, Windows, Linux, Mobile and most smart phones such as the Blackberry mobile phone, iPhones and Android phones will read PDFs. Some electronic book readers may NOT read PDF. There may be conversion programs that will convert the PDF eBook to a format that is readable by your specific electronic book reader.